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The Top 5 Facts Why You Should Eat Peanut Butter

Peanut butter is one of the most popular bread sandwiches spreads.

It’s often criticized as neither very nutritious nor healthy. Some health experts claim that it’s on the same level as Nutella. These accusations are about the variants with sugar and don’t have a lot to do with real peanut butter.

All-natural peanut butter is full of great nutrients and a very healthy spread.

Here’s why you should consume more of it.

Protein bomb

For a sandwich spread, it contains a lot of protein by nature. This makes it a very attractive snack in the fitness industry.

Every 100 grams of unsweetened peanut butter contains around 30 grams of protein and consists of 100% peanuts.

Two spoons combined with your breakfast will help you stay saturated over the next few hours and you won’t get ravenous hunger attacks.

Healthy fats

Peanuts contain — like olive oil — lots of unsaturated fats, which are very good for your general health and your heart.

In comparison to people who don’t or seldomly consume any nuts, studies have shown that it’s possible to enhance one’s heart health significantly by eating one to two spoons of high-quality natural peanut butter without added sugar.

It’s high in fiber

Not only will two spoons of delicious peanut butter support your body with essential amino acids. They’re also full of fiber, which is important for your digestion and other body functions to work well.

Of course, there are groceries with more fiber. But peanut butter can help you with a relatively small amount to meet your body’s needs.

It can help you lose weight

As already mentioned, peanut butter contains lots of protein and fats. These will keep you saturated.


Most of us take too much sodium in with their diet. Studies have shown that high consumption of sodium, which comes from too much junk and convenience food, as well as sweets, has a negative influence on your cardiovascular system.

Potassium, which peanut butter delivers in large amounts, is responsible for strongly counteracting dangerous amounts of sodium in your system.

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